Seneca Niagara Combined Heat and Power
Niagara Falls, New York
Seneca Niagara Combined Heat and Power
EPC Contractor, Operate & Maintain
The Seneca Niagara Resort and Casino is located in Niagara Falls and features a casino with over 2,500 slot machines and gaming tables, as well as restaurants, entertainment and a spa. A CHP project was developed for the facility.
- Engineering Design, Equipment Procurement and other services for CHP for Casino
- DCO provided the Engineering Design, Equipment Procurement, Technical Support during Construction, and Startup Coordination for a CHP project for the Seneca Niagara Casino.
- DCO was contracted through Marina Energy, a third party energy developer.
- The CHP includes three (3) 2000 kW natural gas reciprocating engine/generator sets, equipped with waste heat from the engine jacket water system.
- Jacket water is used to pre-heat the boiler feedwater.
- The CHP system operates parallel with the electric utility grid.